Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I guess I need to update here! We've been very busy this summer with art shows and horse shows. We went to the Gatlinburg Craftsmens Fair in July and also got to visit with special friends who were our Pastors in Michigan 20 years ago! We got reaquainted on facebook. How awesome is that!?

Cait won grand champion in crossrails and WTC Flying W as well as Reserve champion and first and seconds in other classes. CJ also won a couple of awards. Yay! She sold Tattoo so we are down to 5 horses now.

I have been working on lots of new artwork, here are a couple of pieces not on the web yet. Hope you are all having a great summer and hope to see you at some shows!

Friday, May 22, 2009

It's another beautiful day!

It's another beautiful day here at Misty Ridge Farm. My hubby bought me some new potted flowers for the porch this week, which only causes me to want to stay on the porch longer and not get any work done! My kids are leaving today for an art show out in McVeytown, PA, the Country Memories Days. Should be fun for them but it's more fun for me as I don't have to go anywhere this Memorial Day weekend.

All the critters are doing well, we have 2 more additions to the family. A manx kitty named Sugar, who also brought another with her, a little baby kitty Cait named Spice. The cats are actually Caits and CJ's, so once the apartment is situated, they will be going to live there.

Cait had a couple of horse shows so far this year, 3 blues at the cross rails, working hunter, and equitation over fences. Thats jumping horse classes for those who are not familiar. She rode Devon, the eventing horse and they looked great! The second show, was a barrel racing and gaming event. They just got started and cait got one run in but a storm came up so that was the end of the evening. So the next gaming event will be double pointed. Kevin and I will be attending that one and we plan to run the barrels as well! Can't wait and I will have pics! LOL

Our next event for the craft shows will be at in the Adirondacks up near Saratoga at Greenwich at the the Fairgrounds. That's next weekend, May 30th and 31st!

Church at Victory has been awesome. Many people are getting saved, nine last week! What a great place to go and take your family. If you are ever in the area on a Sunday, visit Victory Church in Troy, PA!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New store!

I forgot to mention that we are in a new store!!!!! The store is formerly the Gathering Basket in Galeton, PA. It is now called Hearts Desire, and we are pleased to be in the store again! Please visit us there if you are in the area! Don't forget that we are also in Earth Wood and Stone up at the Arnot Mall as well!

Finally! Some nice weather!

What a beautiful day we had yesterday! Thanks to those of you who visited us at the show in Bloomsburg! It was great to see so many people out to the craft show in a time when we are all worried about our economy!

We have added a new addition to our family.......a new horse of course! My daughter went on a trip last month and found a lovely Level 2 Thoroughbred eventer down in VA. We went down a couple of weeks ago to pick him up, in a snow storm! His name is Devon and we are very excited to have him here! Cait is looking forward to getting back into training and hopes to start him back up in Level 1 events. He has been off the ciruit for about a year and she has taken a couple of years off from regular showing so it will be exciting to get back at it!

Our new church building in Troy, Victory church is coming along nicely! Hopefully the new building will be ready later this spring. Later on I will include some pics of that. For now, have a great day and see you at the shows!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Can't wait for spring!

It's a dreary rainy day here in the north country. Thankfully it isn't snowing! February has been long this year and very cold. We haven't done many shows yet but we are gearing up for show season coming in March.

Just a reminder that we will be at the following locations:

March 7 AVTS Bloomsburg Spring Show Bloomsburg, PA

March 13-15 Craftsmens' Classic Richmond, VA

March 21 Spring Show Binghamton University Binghamton, NY

March 28-29 Central NY State Maplefest Marathon, NY

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New stores!

Hi everyone!

A new update to our list of capecod crafter locations! If you've never been to a Capecod Crafters shop, it is one of those little boutiques where you rent space to sell your art or crafts. Yes, there is loads of buysell there, so if you're against that, don't bother. I have been selling my work in those shops for about 8 years now, and find that I compete just fine there.

For the shoppers, we're now located in the Shrewsbury, Massachussets store and the Lancaster, PA store also. These shops are located in Outlet centers if you are looking for locations or you can click on the link and go right to Capecods website and get directions.

We've added those little personalized Career blocks of ours to the Gettysburg store and also the Lancaster store. They'll personalize them right at the store for you. They're not on the website because there are just so many of them. And also I should let you know that we are also located in the other Capecod crafter stores in North Conway, NH and Kittery, ME!

I will be reopening our space at the former Gathering Basket store in Galeton, PA! The new shop owners have invited us and we are looking forward to going back. The long construction work on Route 6 had closed the original store for quite a while.

Oh and one last thing! We've added some new shows to our Show listings at our website, so please check it out at!

These pics are some of the new designs I've added to the site!

God bless and have a great day!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Working on the show schedule

Hi everyone,

I am busily working on my show schedule for this next year. It's tough deciding where to go! I want to be loyal to my regular shows but need to find new venues as well. The economy has definitely slowed down, but when the going gets tough, well, you know. If any of you have any great show suggestions for me, up and down the east coast, please, by all means, let me know!

I did purchase a new printer this year......yay! I am slow to catch on to new things though.... ahhhhh! So I am trying to learn a new system and I am definitely not a techie. This is a new larger format printer, so I can reproduce my larger designs without sending them out. I do offer the originals for sale as well but obviously, with this economy, we have to have prints available.

Also just a note to say that I really enjoyed all the nice comments that people send on the the etsy cottage style blog. Thanks so much! It is a pleasure meeting you all! Well it's back to the desk to organize my life!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A coffee break

Sorry I have been away for a bit, very busy like the rest of you!!! LOL I am thankful to be done at the mall this last holiday season! So here I am on a coffee break and thought I would finally up date. A bit of good news on that is that Earth Wood and Stone, another shop that I have done business with in the past, will continue to remain on at the mall permanently. What's good about that, you ask? Brian Genello will now be carrying all my favorite designs in his new mall location!!!! YAY! That means that we will not be doing the mall store again next year. I know we will not have all the opportunity to meet great customers and repeat customers and I will really miss that! However, most of you know that I enjoy the art and designing part and this will give me more time in the studio. Maybe I can get on more of those requests!!! It is very difficult to run a temporary store and complete works of art and signs at the same time and remain focused. So we are very excited about this opportunity! So please go in and support Earth, Wood and Stone and I am again, available for some of those special designs you were asking for!

I am also busy getting ready for the show season this year. I know we are worried about the economy but I am still very positive. I pray for God to help me make good choices and for those good choices to choose me! I have sent a small list of the shows in which we know we will be at this year, to my webmaster. We will be adding other listings as they accept our applications.

If you have any suggestions for shows in your area, let us know!

Well, I have some horses who are waiting for dinner, so I better get going! Pics are Rocky, Sweet Pea, Twister, Tatoo, Tazer, Angel and Dreamer.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope all of you are having a wonderful start to your new year. It is exciting to feel like we are starting on a fresh slate, trying new ideas for our work or just putting the past year behind us!

Our website did pretty well this Christmas so that was great. It has taken some time for it to get going. I am always looking for tips and ideas from other craftsmen and artists on what I can do to make that better.

We are trying to schedule our shows for the next year also. Some I need to get rid of and try some new ones. It seems like the smaller local ones, with lower costs, are starting to become more appealing. The big arenas charge so much of an entry fee to the customer, that they just don't want to pay it.

I am also more interesting in doing wholesale. We have few stores that we are providing our artwork for and that is very exciting. I am not yet ready to do the big wholesale shows though, and like to go out and meet the store owner myself. Also that way I am able to pick and choose where it goes.
We did our usual New Years Bash at the ski slope on New Years Eve. My kids ski and snowboard, and my daughter is an instructor at one of the local slopes. We had taken my daughter to this event for several years, but only started skiing ourselves over the last 2 years. It is so much fun and I enjoy it, even though I am usually flat on the ground several times during the evening! LOL So my kids thought I should learn to snowboard. Now that is quite different from the usual skiing but I did try it, with lots of help, and I am thinking this might work for me!

Thanks so much for the nice comments from all of you! I am new to blogging and I enjoy feed back and advice from everyone! Now that the mall is almost done, we are there til the 10th, I will be able to get more involved here!

Happy New Year!